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REFORESTA – Scientific and Professional Society

REFORESTA is established in November 2014, at University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry, by group of colleagues coming from academia, research institutes, and practice. 

REFORESTA is a non-profit and non-government organization, registered at the The Serbian Business Registers Agency. REFORESTA is organized in four levels: assembly, supervisory board, board of directors, and the president. The assembly consists of all Society members, and among other make decisions on organizational changes. The supervisory board accepts yearly reports and financial reports submitted by the board of directors.

REFORESTA Society is financed almost exclusively by individual donations of Reforesta’s members.

REFORESTA is a society of scientists, researchers and professionals involved in various aspects of reforestation and afforestation.  
REFORESTA consists of individual members from Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Ghana, India, Mexico, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Sweden, and USA. Institutional members from Serbia includes University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry, Forestry Institute – Belgrade, and PE Srbijašume. The full list of members is available on request. 
The mission of the REFORESTA is to provide support to members through different levels of cooperation in a specific area of forest establishment, including afforestation, reforestation and forest restoration. 
The main objectives of REFORESTA are to share information and knowledge among Society members and to encourage literature, practice, and product development research.

The main activities of REFORESTA are publishing of REFORESTA Journal and organizing of a series of International Conferences on Reforestation ChallengesREFORESTA also runs the educational and research projects.